Monday, October 5, 2009

New experience, New friends! (:

Excited. After receiving a call from Janelle, that she have a current job availability at fullerton hotel as a assistant hired from VRL comapny. Without hesitation, I agreed instantly over the phone via text messages. The job title sounds cool, if the audience would like to speak up and give suggestions though the mic, your job just pass the mic and after the audience finished, you just hold on it and be prepared for the next audience who would like to speak on floor. simple right? Of course, in addition you need to do some registration administration work at the registration desk. The biggest challenge was, when the delegates arrived you need to search their names and company name arrh man, I still need to improve on that. While you were searching, they have already fund their names on the desk. Oh that's really unprofessional?! that's how embarrassing! arhhh.... >.<>

Upon arrival to the ballroom, I sat down on the comfortably sofa to settle down myself and get prepared and report to miss amber. Initially, we did saw each other at the foyer, and smiled and we didn't realised worked for this event, till she called me and we see each other through the glass door planel, greeted and handshakes like normal business associates do in business.

alright, let the pictures do the talking then.

Sarah and Julianne looks gorgeous! (:

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