Saturday, October 18, 2008

Learn to be independence

Early morning, went to Supermarket bought some goceries that mummy ordered me to buy as we were preparing for tomorrow's tang qin. Without hesitation, i bought the trolley along with me and set off for marketing.

Reached white sands, the place was so crowded. I kept shifting my trolley because i'm afraid that i'll hurt or injured to others i was so Finish marketing went back home immediately. Mummy said: " Why didn't you buy ketchup?" I said: YES! in an aggressive manner. >.< "Please checked is in the bag." Mummy: Oh! sorry sorry.

Late afternoon, helped mummy to make the wanton balls hahas i folded liked a fan shape.
this year, mummy minimise her cooking because she's sick and daddy illness not fully recovered yet. I'm worried. >.<>
Well, i am.

At night, went to tian guo for lesson. It's pretty rare that shan ru sat with me in the bus while heading to tian guo and back home. We had a casual chat and shared each others opinons of schooling and overseas issues. (:

she's bearing it and holding on........

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